CSG Care Fund Program – Update
CSG Care Fund Program
Workforce retrenchment in Singapore is expected to hit record numbers as a result of economic disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme for this year’s National Day, “Together, A Stronger Singapore”, is something close to our hearts. Following the call of the nation for all Singaporeans to play our part to push forward in spite of the difficulties and crises, we want to lend a helping hand to those around us.
Understandably, unemployment in the family can lead to financial and emotional stress that may have a ripple effect on the children. During this difficult period, we hope to provide some support to these families and minimize the impact on the children as much as possible.
As part of our initiative to give back, we’re pleased to share with you our ‘CSG Care Fund’ program. This program aims to help children/youth whose parents are unemployed or retrenched during this pandemic. Through this program, we will provide a cash pay-out of up to S$750 per child from Aug 2020 – Dec 2020. Apart from the cash relief, we will also be offering free extracurricular courses to help them build new skills and qualifications that will allow them to pursue learning or career opportunities in the future.
Cash Allowance Tier
Primary: S$50/month | Secondary: S$100/month | Tertiary: S$150/month
Future Forward Educational Program – Extracurricular Courses
Youths of the CSG Care Fund Program will be given a full course fee waiver for the Future Forward Program to encourage them to continuously build new skills and qualifications that will allow them to pursue learning or career opportunities in the future.
Applicable to Secondary and Tertiary students only (extracurricular courses during term break).
Future Forward Educational Program | Duration (Day) |
Introduction to Computer-aided Design (CAD) & Drafting with Autodesk AutoCAD | 08 Sep 2020 |
Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) | 09 Sep 2020 |
Modeling in Autodesk Revit from imported AutoCAD drawing | 10 Sep 2020 |
Eligibility Criteria
• Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents aged 7 to 18 years old
• Child bank account information
• Child is attending Singapore’s educational institute (Primary/ Secondary/ Polytechnic/ ITE/ Junior College)
• Parent(s) is/are presently involuntarily unemployed as of 1st January 2020
• Monthly household gross income not more than S$5,000
• Living in HDB 4/3/2/1 room flat (owned/ rented)
• Proof of retrenchment letter
• For Secondary and Tertiary: Agree to participate in Training programme under CSG Training Centre during school term break
*Objective: To build up skillset and be ready for the workforce
Support period: August 2020 to December 2020
*Pay-out is calculated based on schooling days only. In the event that there is a school holiday/term break, pay-out for that particular month will be pro-rated based on the number of schooling days.
• Primary and Secondary School:
‣ 5th September to 13th September 2020
‣ 21st November to 31st December 2020
• Junior College:
‣ 5th September to 13th September 2020
‣ Year 1: 28th November to 31st December 2020
‣ Year 2: End of “A” Level exam to 31st December 2020
• Polytechnic/ ITE:
‣ Please submit your school/ major’s holiday period
Apply online via CSG Care Fund. Processing time may take up to 2 weeks’ upon submission of all required supporting documents.
More information
1. In the event that you are employed upon approval of application, please write-in to inform us
2. CSG will revoke any applications and report to relevant authorities for any false claims
3. Child must have an existing bank account under child’s name for the fund to be credited
4. CSG may request for an interview at CSG office for applicants to verify application
5. In the event if your child do not have PayNow/ bank account registered, please contact us directly for next action required
For further information required, please contact us at:
Contact Number: +65 6588 2378
Email Address: marketing@csglobal-group.com
Website: https://csglobal-group.com/news/csg-care-fund/