Streamline Documentation & Collaboration with 3D Scanning
With Matterport, creating 3D models takes almost no time at all. The Matterport 3D Camera captures 2D photography and 3D data from job sites, and automatically stitches them into a complete, immersive 3D model of the real-world job site that you can share, annotate and export CAD and/or point clouds to Autodesk ReCap or Revit.
However, the next challenge that construction companies would face is exchanging large files securely. Sensitive large files like digital blueprints, contracts and CAD/BIM files are constantly accessed and transferred among project stakeholders daily. Do you have the right tool to share and collaborate securely with one another during the lifecycle of construction projects?
Webinar Details
Date: 19 August 2021, Thursday
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm, SGT
For more info, please contact Victoria at +65 8157 2107 or