~ Thank you for attending our webinar ~
The series of Beyond Circuit Breaker: Change The Way We Work Webinar has come to an end! Thank you for joining us, it was a pleasure to have you with us during the webinar and we hope that you have found the session informative and insightful.
Based on the poll results below, we noticed that majority of you were most interested in exploring more on 3D scanning and digitization of worksite. Do let us know if you require more information about the other technologies package(s) as well!
Due to time constraints, we would like to apologise for the unanswered questions during the Q&A session. Do reach out to us personally if you require any additional info on how to meet the restart criteria.
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Tel: 6588 2378 / 8117 6901
Email: marketing@csglobal-group.com
Check out what have planned for you in June before you miss it!