SolidWorks Workshop (copy 02)

Are you having difficulty developing or importing your fabrication drawings into your BIM Model? Dive deeper into BIM to gain even greater value across the fabrication, manufacturing and assembly workflow. 

The next chapter of BIM begins with the creation of more intelligent, constructible 3D models, where one model includes real-world manufacturing-specific content that is ready for fabrication. With fabrication-ready models, this can save significant time in the prefabrication process as it addresses design issues before construction begins, which means labor and material costs are reduced and design accuracy is improved.
Join us for this workshop to learn about how an integration between your BIM Model and SOLIDWORKS can help you:
- Enable efficient design with illustration of a streamline workflow approach
- Leverage on building information and produce detailed designs easily and quickly
- Use the output from engineer design to fabricate directly
Date: 12 July 2019, Friday
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Venue: 11 Tampines Concourse, #02-06, Singapore 528729

Please e-register HERE.
Copyright © 2019 CS Global Group Pte Ltd, All rights reserved.

Victoria Lee
Senior Marketing Executive


11 Tampines Concourse, #02-06, Singapore 528729
Tel: (65) 6588 2378 | Fax: (65) 6588 2366

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