Autodesk BIM 360 Workshop (copy 01)


Construction Software for
Quality Control, Safety, and Daily Reports

Come and hear about how Autodesk BIM 360 Build can combine mobile technologies for onsite use with cloud-based collaboration and reporting to manage field processes such as quality, safety and commissioning:

Quality Control Programs
- Create and assign issues
- Track work with checklists
- Communicate project status

Jobsite Safety Management
- Inspection templates
- Pre-configured checklists
- Safety metrics reporting

Commissioning & Handover
- Track equipment and assets
- Update asset information on iPad
- Attach documentation to equipment

Daily Reporting
- Dashboards and custom reports
- Export data to Excel for analysis
- View cross-project trends

- Access to project data online or offline
- Schedule work for team members
- Automate report distribution

Access & Permissions
- Permissions by user, role or company
- Control Subcontractor access

The workshop will be on 7 September 2018, Friday 3pm to 5pm at CSG Office - 11 Tampines Concourse #02-06 S528729.
Please e-register at:
Register Now

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