280218 Novade Quality Workshop (copy 01)


Are you keeping up with the industry trends?
Find out what the Top Contractors in Singapore are using to Maximize Productivity & Manage the Safety of their Projects!

Come and hear about how Novade Safety can help to manage safety processes on site:
  • Electronic PTW system to manage safety onsite & generate non-compliance reports (NCRs)
  • Paper forms are replaced by an easy-to-use mobile application involving all key stakeholders; Sub-contractors, Safety Officers & Site Managers
  • Provide real time information to all stakeholders with auto generation of reports for management
The seminar will be on 8th March 2018, Thursday 3:00pm to 5:00pm at CSG Office - 11 Tampines Concourse #02-06 S528729.

Please e-register at: https://goo.gl/forms/gwHgmW3jK914DtYv2
Register Now

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