20180629 – Training Schedule from Jul-Sep 2018

Improve Your Skills With The Knowledge Of Our Instructors!

Course Details
Date: Refer to table for respective schedules
Time: 9.30am to 5.30pm (Training) | 2.30pm to 5.30pm (Exam)
Venue: CSG @ Tampines
Credential: PDU Points | CET Hours
*Certificate Of Completion will be issued upon completion of Training session.

Best Regards, 
Grace Siong
Manager, Training

CS Global Group Pte Ltd 
BIM Services | PM Services | Software | Training
Singapore . Malaysia . Philippines

T: +65 6588-2378 | F: +65 6588-2366 | HP: +65 9062-6376
A: 11 Tampines Concourse #02-06 Singapore 528729
E: grace.siong@csglobal-group.com | W: www.csglobal-group.com

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