20161024 – Virtual Design in Construction with BEP: 17-18 Nov 2016


Attend VDC Training as low as SGD $1000/pax* conducted by renowed expert!

GrabFriend - Grab Your Friend to Attend Training with You Today ~
1 seat @ SGD $2800/pax
3 seats @ SGD $2400/pax (All to attend same session)
5 seats @ SGD $1500/pax (Max. split into 2 sessions)
8 seats @ SGD $1200/pax (Max. split into 2 sessions)
10 seats @ SGD $1000/pax (Max. split into 3 sessions)

*Course Fees stated exclude GST.

Terms & Conditions
1. Promotion for the said session only.
2. Not valid for existing orders/ registrations.
3. Not valid for exchange of cash/ combination with other promotions. 
4. Do not use quote for future reference.
5. CSG reserve all rights to amend/ cease/ cancel promotion with prior notice. 
6. All Training Terms are Prepaid.

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